by Dr. Vanae E. Morris
As I have been writing this series about teaching
and learning online, I have constantly reviewed and reflected upon my own
experiences as both a student and an instructor in various online teaching and learning
environments at different institutions.
I started with Outlook Express newsgroups, then into a web-based online
learning system, then Blackboard, moved to WebCT, Angel, e-learning by Pearson,
and finally Canvas by Instructure. In
each of these online learning environments, I created materials that students
could interact with, provided ways for me to interact with the students (f2f or
online), and finally ways that students could interact with each other.
Most of that interaction was asynchronous with few
(actually quite minimal) synchronous activities included in the process.
Working within Canvas for the past few months, I have discovered many more
opportunities for interactions that could occur synchronously; however, what I
have also discovered is the limitations of students (and myself) to meet all
together at a specific time and place. After all, isn’t the flexibility of the
asynchronous classroom one of the reasons we teach and learn online?
So, what exactly does the online teaching and
learning environment look like that promotes active learning and critical
thinking? Can this be done? My response
is, yes and no! The reason that I respond with both a positive and negative is
because the outcome depends on both the instructor and each individual student
in the course. Is the instructor an active, but not intrusive, participant in
the course? Are the students engaged with all three aspects of the course (content,
instructor, and learning community)? According to Tan, Wang, and Xiao (2010), the
instructor should:
a) encourage contact between students and instructor
(e.g. encouraging students to use the online communication tools within the
course, soliciting input from all students through specific questions, and
asking for feedback on interaction-related course conduct), b) develop
reciprocity and cooperation among students (e.g. group projects, group
discussions, establishing learning communities,
peer reviews), and finally c) use active learning techniques (e.g.
reflective and open-ended tasks to encourage application of theory to practice
and apply what they have learned, and locating and sharing relevant online
resources), (pp. 122-125).
As part of the ongoing mission of the Center for
Teaching & Learning Excellence (CTLE) and the Technology Assisted
Curriculum Center (TACC) at the University of Utah, a course has been
developed to assist instructors with quality course design that encourages instructors
to use six elements of excellent course design:
1. Course
and lesson outcomes in the form of measurable objective statements
2. A
course organization and structure that facilitates student learning
3. Teaching
and learning activities that engage students in the process of learning
4. A
Variety of course content, media, and materials in appropriate web formats
5. A
sense of learning community, communication, and student support
6. Assessment,
feedback, and evaluation strategies that measure student learning outcomes as
well as overall course quality
In order to promote active learning and critical
thinking in an online teaching and learning environment, an instructor should
examine these six elements and design a course, which has assignments that require students to
substantiate their ideas, invite responses, ask questions, and discuss and
reflect upon the content. Will this
encourage the adult learner’s approach to learning and provide opportunities
for self-direction? Yes! By designing a
course that encourages the three types of interaction (content, instructor,
learning community), and assignments that require students to participate and
substantiate their learning, will encourage and promote active learning and
critical thinking in the online learning environment!
Boettcher, J.V. & Conrad, R. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple
and practical pedagogical tips. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Knowles, M. S.,
Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2011). The adult learner: The
definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (7th
ed.). New York: Elsevier.
Ko, S. (2005).
Student-centered online teaching: Best practices. Retrieved from
M.G. (1989). Editorial: Three Types of Interaction. The American Journal of Distance Education (3)2.
L., Wang, M., & Xiao, J. (2010). Best Practices in Teaching Online or
Hybrid Courses: A Synthesis of Principles. Hybrid
Learning, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (6248)2010, pp. 117-126.
Hey! Good Blog! I really like the six points that you have mentioned. I seriously think that Online Learning can be made a wonderful experience if one adheres to these points.